Chronic Wasting Disease Genomic Predictive System
CWD susceptibility in white-tailed deer (WTD) is highly heritable, and influenced by more than one gene. Dr. Christopher Seabury has developed a DNA-based test that includes approximately 50,000 SNP markers from across the entire white-tailed deer genome as well as five codon SNP markers in the prion (PRNP) gene which can collectively be used to predict and reduce susceptibility to CWD in farmed WTD.
The genomically estimated breeding value (GEBV) reflects the additive genetic merit of the tested white-tailed deer (WTD) with respect to differences in susceptibility to CWD. Susceptibility is collectively minimized through selective breeding for extremely negative GEBVs together with the PRNP codon 96SS genotype. Thoughtful selection is required to achieve the maximum protection possible. Dr. Seabury and NADR currently recommend that WTD possess GEBVs at or below -0.0560 for routine breeding. In all research conducted to present, the best GEBV Dr. Seabury has ever observed in relation to CWD was -0.4600.
© North American Deer Registry
1601 Medical Center Drive, Suite 1
Edmond, OK 73034
Office: (405) 513-7228
Fax: (405) 513-7238